Farm Fresh Husk Cherry and Cherry Tomato Salsa Recipe

As part of a CSA I tried out provided by Brookwood Community Farm, I received a pint of husk cherries (ground cherries), which I'd never even heard of before, a couple of pints of cherry tomatoes, and some shallots. Other than an overall enjoyable experience with the fresh produce of the CSA, I loved getting... Continue Reading →

Dill Pickled Cucumbers Recipe

I thoroughly enjoy pickles. I'm that guy subtly eyeing the pickle on your plate to see whether or not you'll eat it. If you don't, I may just swoop in and snatch it away. As a result, I've come to realize that the best pickles in my opinion are cold pickled and therefore require refrigeration.... Continue Reading →

Pickled Watermelon Recipe

Yes, this recipe is for pickled watermelon, but don't go running for the hills just yet! The results are weird, but surprisingly tasty. This may just be one of the more unique recipes you experiment with. So many people love watermelon and it's devoured in mass quantities every summer. Personally, I love watermelon that is... Continue Reading →

Guacamole Recipe

There are few foods that herald summer like the freshness of homemade guacamole. For those of us well acquainted with the cool, deliciously earthy, yet creamy flavors contained in this dip or garnish we know that a good meal usually accompanies a good guacamole. Then there are those of us who may never have tried... Continue Reading →

Molokhia Soup Recipe

Eat like a Pharaoh! I don't care how you spell it (Molokhia, Molokheya, Mulukhiya) or what you call it (Jews Mallow, Jute Mallow, Mallow Leaves) because regardless of the name, this is one of my favorite comfort foods. It is a traditional Egyptian soup that was typically eaten by royalty in Ancient Egypt, but eventually... Continue Reading →

Egyptian Molokhia Soup Recipe

Eat like a Pharaoh! I don't care how you spell it (Molokhia, Molokheya, Mulukhiya) or what you call it (Jews Mallow, Jute Mallow, Mallow Leaves) because regardless of the name, this is one of my favorite comfort foods. It is a traditional Egyptian soup that was typically eaten by royalty in Ancient Egypt, but eventually... Continue Reading →

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